During the first part of the Harry Potter craze, and just before the first movie came out, I was oblivious. I remembered Keeley's dad telling us that we should read the books, but I never took the initiative.
Because I worked at the movie theater during the first release, it was a BIG deal. I borrowed the first four books from a coworker and read them in about a week. They were quite good, and I was finally understanding what all the hype was about. So I have stayed up with the additional movie and book releases.
Recently, Kailey started getting really into HP and so has been reading all of the books. She is currently at the end of number 5, just in time for the sixth movie to be released. She has also been rewatching all of the other movies (we have most of them on DVD) so I knew that she would be really excited to go see the movie at the theater (we are cheap and waited for it to hit the dollar theater, which we will NOT be doing with New Moon).
I have to admit, that number six was not my favorite of the book series. Maybe it was because my roommate, who admittedly never liked me (something I never understood given that we actually hung out quite a lot), was my reading companion for that book, or maybe because it just seemed to drag on and on. Anyway, I wasn't stoked for the movie, but felt I needed to see the series out and wanted to see it with Kailey, who would appreciate it.
So here's what I took from it:
I MISS having a real purpose in life. Funny that this would be my main take on the movie, which I did end up enjoying. I now remember that I had that same inclusive feeling when I read the books. Like I was really involved.
It made me think, though. This past year has been one of the few times in my life where I haven't really been working toward a cause, or some event in my life. Yes, I have been job hunting and working on getting my insurance license, but this was a very solitary quest for me and I just don't feel a part of anything bigger than myself (not including my marriage/family, of course).
For instance, take HP and his friends, they are involved. Involved in school, in being social at school, in saving the world, whatever. But as I was watching the movie, I just had that longing feeling; wishing that I had somewhere or something like that. Even with doing the insurance thing, it still leaves me at home. By myself. Forcing myself to move forward.
Soooo...I am looking for a cause. Let me know if you have any ideas. I'm open to anything. Well, within reason.
I understand. I feel like I am in the same kind of funk. I just need to be apart of something big and great.
I'm not sure what will work for you, but here are a few things that I've taken up because I felt the same way. Only the last one is 'big and great', but they have all helped a little.
*Organize a RS class (I'm organizing a cooking class that we hold every other week. Teachers and topics vary each class)
*Develop a talent (I've started taking violin lessons again)
*Magnify your calling
*I don't know if I want to admit it, but I joined WW
*I'm not involved in this, but I have several friends that are doing "NaNoWriMo"
*Get involved in missionary work (Jon, Tae and I are helping the sisters teach 2 families in our ward-I'm not sure how much Tae is helping...) This has honestly made the biggest difference for me. It has had a positive affect on every aspect of my life.
GOOD LUCK! Let us know when you find out what works for you.
*Sorry about deleting the previous comment. It was the same as above-but now there is no spelling error!
I don't have a cause in mind for you but I can TOTALLY relate to what you mean. Without some kind of larger purpose to work towards besides just making sure my kids reach their beds each night with all their limbs still in tact, I feel rather unsuccessful. That doesn't mean what I'm doing isn't important of course but I understand how you feel. When there isn't a goal, something driving you to get out of bed and get a move on, it is hard to feel like it was a good day.
You will find something!!
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