Saturday, November 14, 2009

Todd's Birthday

Since the time that I met Todd, he has told me that he isn't into the whole holiday thing and that birthdays don't really matter to him. AND since the beginning, I have told him that they DO matter to me. Heck, I even celebrate my half birthday (next Thursday), although he refuses to celebrate it with me.

What I have learned through my own experience is that nobody truly dislikes the holidays. What they don't like, is being let down by them.

I first realized how true this was on Halloween. Todd was actually excited about some of the decorations we did this year and has already started planning his modifications and elaborations for next year. I saw it again yesterday, on his birthday.

I have been sick for the past week with the H1N1 flu and it has gone into viral pneumonia. There's really not much I can do about it besides take it easy and drink a lot of fluids, but originally I had quite the fever and was contagious. This made it a risk for me to follow through on any of my plans that I had made for Todd's birthday. Thankfully, my sister and some great friends helped with taking balloons and candy to his work and following through with his surprise "Friday the 13th Birthday" party.

It all turned out well, thanks to them, although I wasn't there to see it. I do know that he didn't get home from playing games until the wee hours of the morning, so I am sure he had a blast. I was amused, however, when Todd came home from work and was like, "Wait, where's my present? Isn't there going to be a party?"

So, like I said, nobody truly dislikes the holidays as long as they know that they won't be let down. And, Mom, if we give him enough time, he may even come to like desserts.

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