Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Bla Bla Bla

School has now officially been in session for a month. Somehow it seems like so much longer than that. I do have a countdown to the end of the year on my facebook account. It says that I have 237 days of school left. That seems like a lot, but considering that I am finishing up my decade of post-secondary education, it is hardly any time at all. However, I have already hit the wall. I can tell this because of the fact that when I am sitting in class my teachers begin to sound like the teacher from Charlie Brown. It all blends together and all I hear is the muted trombone noise of "wah wah wah wah wah wah..." You get the idea.

In fact, I am in a class right now; Marketing Research. This particular teacher is actually quite amusing. I'm not sure that I have ever heard her jokes, but I try to laugh at the appropriate times. The test that she recently gave us? Well, I think she had the key from the test that Charlie Brown's teacher gave. That and I am horrible at multiple choice did not combine for a very good score. I'll be honest. I don't understand what the purpose of a multiple choice test is. I mean, WHEN in real life will we ever use this? I can see it now...
You're in a meeting at work discussing marketing (my current emphasis) and you discuss different definitions for a particular marketing strategy. Your manager is not sure that everyone understands what all the words means and so stops the meeting, handing out sheets of paper and starts to administer a test. ABCD or all of the above. "If you get below a certain percentage, you are fired." Yeah, that would suck.

This is one of the few classes that I have that even has tests. Thank Heavens I have have reached the point in my education where we are all about application. Of course, getting an MBA also means that you are in many, many groups. Let me paint a picture for you...
six dominant, red, type A personalities in a small room trying to come to a conclusion. Let's just say that assignments really can take three times as long when everyone is vying for control of the room. Lucky for me I am loud. Loud enough that people usually listen, if only so I will shut up after I have said my piece. Heck, I'll take what I can get.

1 comment:

Denae said...

Wah wah wah wah wah wahwa wah