Saturday, December 5, 2009

Halloween Costumes...belated that we are getting ready to put our Christmas decorations up and put our fall decorations away, we decided to finally get the pics of the kids in the costumes we made them.

Jessica was a bee, created by my mother and me. Kailey was Hermione (as she was just finishing the Harry Potter series), put together by me, and Austin, a football player created by Todd. Here are just a few of the shots that I took of the kids. Of course, I can't forget Alli, our neighbors little girl, who wanted to be a bee like Jessica. Very cute.

*As usual, click the pic and ignore that my coloring is always a little off when pics are posted. Truly, that is the bane of my existence.


jet said...

You always have such lovely pictures. :)

Shannon said...

These are so cute! Your pictures look professional!