Sunday, April 19, 2009

Mission Get-together

This email was sent to me, so I am passing it along via blog for all of those who served in the NCCM mission...or have spouses who did. ;)

Hey! Hope all ya'all are doing well!

A few have been asking about a N.C.C. Mission Reunion.

So how about a mission picnic instead.

June 6th it is then!!! We'll have it here at our home probably and we will say 4:00 to 7:00P.M.

WILL YOU pass the word along to all those you have an email address for and give them our email address to let us know about how many to plan on.

We will suggest everyone bring their own sandwiches/picnic and a cookie/brownie to share!

We love you!

President and Sister Smith

1 comment:

Tamaran said...

THANK YOU for passing on the info!